Monday, March 23, 2009

Judges Reinstated, The 1st Step Towards Victory!!!

Every citizen of Pakistan, after a long period of struggle and hard work, is celebrating the joy of the Re-Instatement Of The Judges. Only to see this treasured day people faught against the government, to prove that this time everything has to change, that this time WE prove who is good and who is bad, that this time WE decide what is good and what is not good for US, because during the past few years we have been taking so much on ourselves that we have forgot to use the power inside our soul. The power to Cherish ourselves, the power to compete against Evil, the power to spread whats Right.

Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, or the person I call the Man of Righteousness, a Man of True Spirit. As it mostly said that "Learn everything, everywhere, everytime, let it be from a book, a programme or a person". So today I have proudly learnt a lot from Mr Iftikhar. After watching the hopes in his eyes, that one day he'll get re-instated, and he proudly did, I learnt the meaning of "living your life with hopes in it". The true reason for living for myself, not for any other person or form of government. I learnt what the basic importance of aiming for what I wanted was.

Thousands of people protested, from every city of Pakistan, they joined the Long March, which started from 9th March 2008 and finally ended on 15th March 2009. People never ever gave up, instead they did every possible thing they could for bringing a change, a change which'll have a great impact on our country's future.

A large number of Women also participated in this Long March, they along the men, standing side by side with them, lurched towards the Capital of Pakistan, to give an enormous proof to the government of what'll happen if they would not cooperate with taking the right step for our country's progress.

Lawyers who played a vast and special role in the re-instatement of government, were arrested to everyone's utter astonishment. So they did what was right, they escaped the hard grip of the Orders of the Government given to the Police officers. They proceeded towards what they had planned.

Finally, when the lawyers were just an inch near to achieve their goal of proceeding towards DHARNA, the Government Gave Up. Prime Minister Gillani announced the re-instatement of the judges, it was a great news for everyone, but an extreme horror to some people who feared for what they did. So today we are alive and we are just towards Ourselves, Our Judges, Our Lawyers. PZ!!!

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